Contact information for spindle units

Your request for spindle units

Contact partner sales of spindle units

Dipl. Ing. (BA) Mario Friedrich

Phone: +49 (0) 3761 801 241

We look forward to your inquiry.

Inquiry form spindle units

    Technical requirements:

    Drive systems:Integrated motorFlanged motorExternally driven (belt, etc.)

    o Dimensional and performance characteristics

    o Installation position:VerticalHorizontal

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    Your contact details:

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    Data taken from the contact form, including your personal data, are stored by us to process the request and for potential follow-up questions. We will not share this data without your permission. The data will be deleted as soon as your request is complete.


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    Please find detailed information on how we handle user data in our Privacy statement.

    Once your request is submitted, you will receive an email confirmation from us.

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