
SLF 中国

中国,昆山张浦镇德普路692号, 德国工业园

电话:+86 181 1463 6408

总部 德国

Spindel- und Lagerungstechnik Fraureuth GmbH
Fabrikgelände 5, 08427 Fraureuth, Germany
电话:+49 3761 801 0
传真:+49 3761 801 150

Your request

Write to us, we will be pleased to answer your enquiry.

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    Data privacy:

    Data taken from the contact form, including your personal data, are stored by us to process the request and for potential follow-up questions. We will not share this data without your permission. The data will be deleted as soon as your request is complete.


    You can withdraw your future consent via e mail addressed to datenschutzbeauftragter@slf-fraureuth.de at any time.
    Please find detailed information on how we handle user data in our Privacy statement.

    Once your request is submitted, you will receive an email confirmation from us.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the key